We're here in Ohio, and it's HOT! This year, though, I've been hesitant to turn on my beloved AC. Our emergency account has been wiped out twice in the past few months for car problems and basement flooding, and the thought of saving all the money the air conditioner saps out is attractive. I also like the idea of doing without to help our environment. My plan has been to keep it off until at least June. My 11 year old stepson, though, had a different idea. He challenged us to keep it off all summer. ALL summer. Did I mention we live in Ohio? Where it is common to be in the 90's, with 99% humidity for weeks at a time? That I'm from the Northwest, and I melt in the heat and cry in the humidity?
I went for two years without AC, but it was in an old apartment building that was built when AC didn't exist. But it had huge windows and good airflow. My current house was built in 1996 or so, and has almost no airflow. I don't think Aidan knows what he's up against! He did tell his dad that I would be the one to feel it the most, since I'm at home all day. That was thoughtful.
Aidan asked himself what he could do for the environment this summer (as if living w/o AC wasn't enough). He decided to turn off the lights when his dad leaves them on, and take shorter showers. I decided to hang up every load of wash, no exceptions. Wayne was noncommittal. Maryam will continue to pee in the potty and use cloth diapers at night.
Maryam singing
15 years ago