Wednesday, July 2, 2008

If I didn't have a dog

If I didn't have a dog...

* I wouldn't step dog poop in the early morning when it is mushy and covered with a glaze of dew. Or doo.
* There would be no dog hair in my daughter's mouth, in her diaper, in her nose (gets hair on finger, fingers go up nose).
* I could go on vacation without having to find a dog sitter
* I wouldn't have to trim those thick doggy nails
* There would be no barking because of dropped tennis balls in my garden
* No dog vomit to clean up, no muddy paw prints on my clean kitchen floor, no "accidents" in the hallway
* I would still have the chocolates my husband bought me (and there would not be any poop with pieces of foil in it to clean up)
* I could leave a loaf of fresh baked bread on the table and not come back to crumbs

If I didn't have a dog...

* I would have no excuse for taking walks on a lovely summer morning
* I would have no sweet puppy to hug, with her tail thumping me
* There would be no one to greet me when I come home every day
* My kids would not have a beloved friend who is always ready to play
* What would my daughter's first word have been? It was doggy.
* I would have no soft ears to stroke
* I would have to clean up food from the floor by myself
* There would be no one to guard us as we sleep
* There would be a shortage of unconditional love in our house
* I'd be lonely

Good thing I have a dog!

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